Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Basics of Container vegetable gardening

Growing vegetables in containers is an easy way to experience the flavor and freshness of home-grown vegetables.

Before starting vegetable garden you need to consider some basic requirements

1. Sun: Most vegetables need full sun that means at least six hours of direct sunlight a day.

2. Water: Growing vegetables needs regular watering. you need to keep the soil moist.

3. Soil: Good quality soil is really important for plants. You can mix coco peat and vermicompost with soil.

4. Fertilizer: Vegetables need good fertilizers in order to produce fruits. You can use organic fertilizer granules. Adding vermicompost regularly works fine for most of the vegetables like Tomato,spinach,cucumber,chilli,pepper etc.

5. Selecting right container: Good drainage is very important when you grow vegetables.You want your container to drain the excess water so that soil is not soggy. Select a container with good drainage system or just drill some extra holes at bottom for drainage. You can grow vegetables in terracotta or plastic pots. You can also use some inexpensive containers like buckets,paint boxes etc.

Below is the list of vegetables which can be easily grown in containers.

  • Tomato
  • Chillies
  • Potato
  • Pepper
  • Egg plant
  • Cucumber
  • Carrots
  • Radishes

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